Our Background
Founded in 1946. the Steele County Soil and Water Conservation District is located entirely within Steele County and includes all land, public and private, towns and villages. It is a legal subdivision of State Government, operating under a charter issued by the Secretary of State on March 28, 1946. The District was organized by local landowners under provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 40 and Chapter 110B.
The Steele County SWCD was organized for the purpose of being an organization from which all people in Steele County could acquire assistance to develop and apply sound land use treatment measures on land within Steele County. Currently, all land resource users within Steele County are considered to be in the Steele County Soil and Water Conservation District and are eligible for resource planning assistance to develop conservation practices that will protect soil from wind and water erosion. Technical assistance is also given to help people apply those conservation practices that will protect surface and subsurface waters from pollution hazards. The goal of the SWCD is to assist in the conservation, development and productive use of soil and water resources so all people may enjoy them now and in the future.
The Steele County SWCD is managed by an elected board of five supervisors, who are responsible for directing all District activities. Each supervisor is elected for a four-year term and has an established district or area which he or she represents on the SWCD Board. The Board meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Meeting dates subject to change.

Monday-Thursday 7:30-5
Friday 7:30-4
Come Visit
235 Cedardale Drive SE
Owatonna, MN 55060
507-451-6730 Ext. 3